Valentine Lovecraft Falcon

Is an Oracle Medicine carrier, mushroom journey guide, and artist in the healing arts.

Bestowed her name from “ the realms ” she is ever embodying this namesake . Forging a path of liberation, creativity, and soverign individuality she is led by the voice of her heart and the force of love. 

Always motivated by a deep calling to contribute to the elevation of humanity as well as her own consciousness, her life’s work is pushing the boundaries of possibility, potential by a dedication to the mystical arts, entheogens and imagination.

Studying Raj Yoga for 13 years as a yogi in the Brahma Kumaris world spiritual organization, simultaneously preforming, putting out records, and touring both nationally and internationally with her band Get Hustle. 

Her time as a performer inspired her to be featured in a documentary film that showcased ground breaking musicians.

Owner of a successful vintage clothing store where she also designed her own line; VLF clothing, jewelry and accessories.

Joining the  “Know the Self “mystery school in 2020 allowed her to discover, cultivate and ground her Oracular seer ship gifts whilst launching her business  “Imaginal realms Oracle Medcine”.

11 years of shamanic training arose from the desire and need to heal addiction and to understand its source.

Her training includes a 1 year certification in sound, voice, music healing through CIIS college (San Francisco). 3 years yoga of the voice with Silvia Nakkach, 8 years working with plant & funghi medicines such as ayahuasca, and pcylicibin mushrooms. Traveling to Peru and working within the Shipibo Konibo tradition via plant Dietas.

Her  personal  healing and experience has led offerings of one on one guided mushroom sits, Oracle Medcine session & ambassadorship for the Imaginal realms.